A New Era For Magnesium Alloys: What Does the Future Hold for Magnesium and Its Alloys?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013: 1:00 PM
Exhibit Halls A&B (Meydenbauer Center)
Dr. Bruce Davis , Magnesium Elektron N.A., Madison, IL
Magnesium Elektron is one of the oldest magnesium companies still in existence, with a long history of alloy and product development. The organization recognizes that the future application of magnesium in light weight, energy efficient, engineering solutions requires a number of hurdles to either be removed or overcome. Magnesium Elektron is working towards these goals to realize new uses of magnesium in aerospace, automotive, armor and biomedical applications. This presentation will outline the efforts being made to aid the overall expansion of the use of magnesium in different markets and highlight recent developments associated with aerospace regulations that are clearing the path for the application of magnesium alloys for aircraft applications.
See more of: Plenary - Wednesday
See more of: Plenary Presentations