Structural Composite Materials & Commercialization

Wednesday, April 3, 2013: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
402 (Meydenbauer Center)
Keith D. Humfeld, Boeing Research and Technology and Erika Carter, Boeing Research and Technology
8:00 AM
Ndt and SHM of Carbon Fiber Composites Using Linear Drive Mwm-Arrays
Dr. Andrew Washabaugh, JENTEK Sensors, Inc.; Mr. Chris Martin, JENTEK Sensors, Inc.; Dr. Robert Lyons, JENTEK Sensors, Inc.; Mr. Dave Grundy, JENTEK Sensors, Inc.; Dr. Neil Goldfine, JENTEK Sensors, Inc.; Mr. Richard Russell, NASA Kennedy Space Center; Dr. Russell Wincheski, NASA Langley Research Center; Dr. Vladimir Zilberstein, JENTEK Sensors, Inc.
8:30 AM
Manufacturability of Hybrid Aligned Carbon Nanotube (CNT)-Fiber Composites Through Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion As Dependent On CNT Loading
Ms. Sunny S. Wicks, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Prof. Brian L. Wardle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
Optimization of Complex Composite Monolithic Structures Using Cellular Core Tooling
Dr. Brian D. Flinn, University of Washington; Mr. Curtis Hickmott, University of Washington
10:30 AM
Automated Fiber Placement of Dry Slit Tape for Resin Infusion
Mr. Mark Roman, Cytec Engineered Materials Inc.; N/A Sam Hill, Cytec Engineered Materials Inc.; N/A Rob Blackburn, Cytec Engineered Materials Inc.
11:00 AM
The Composites Research Network - a Path to Effective and Low-Risk Knowledge-Based Composites Manufacturing
Prof. Anoush Poursartip, The University of British Columbia; Prof. Goran Fernlund, The University of British Columbia
11:30 AM
12:00 PM