Novel Surface Engineering Improvements and Opportunities Using Electron Beams

Tuesday, June 17, 2014: 1:30 PM
Sun 2/3 (Gaylord Palms Resort )
Mr. Mike Nunn , TWI Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Mr. Tom Pinto , TWI Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Surface modification and improvement using electron beams (EB) opens up a wealth of design and engineering opportunity. Local heat treatments and surface thermo-chemical diffusion, part-marking, texturing and sculpting are all possible and may have a subtle or major impact on surface and component performance in a range of aerospace applications.

This presentation will detail recent TWI developments in EB surface engineering and demonstrate how the power beam, traditionally used for welding, at lower power may be employed to stress-relieve, nitride, texture and Surfi-Sculpt® at a micro and macro-scale. Applications in joining and heat transfer will be discussed alongside improved accessibility to the processes through equipment enhancements allowing rapid programming and high levels of process control.