CANCELLED - Rheological Study of Binder Commercial Polymer and Waxes Applied to Injection of Titanium

Monday, June 16, 2014: 2:30 PM
Tallahassee 3 (Gaylord Palms Resort )
Prof. Vinicius Martins , Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense, Sapucaia do Sul, Brazil
Ms. Luana Costa , Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Prof. Renato Callegaro , Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense, Sapucaia do Sul, Brazil
Mr. Wilson Rodrigues , Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Prof. Lirio Schaeffer , Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Rheological study of binder commercial polymer and waxes applied to injection of titanium

Titanium powder was taken as raw material. 25% (mass fraction) paraffin, 25% carnauba wax and 50% low density polyethylene and 1% stearic acid were employed as binders to prepare injection feedstocks. Capillary rheometer was adopted to determine the rheological parameters and to analyze the rheological properties of the feedstocks at different polymer strutural and wax commercial. It is indicated through the results that the viscosity increases and the value of n decreases with the increase of milling time. The more the powder loading is, the higher the viscosity is. The empirical formula on the relationship between the viscosity and the poder loading is: ηr =η /ηb = A(1−φ /φmax )−m . The value m is calculated as 0.33. The flow activation energy Ea decreases with the increase of shear rate.

Key words: injection molding; titanium alloy; feedstock; rheological properties

See more of: Processing II
See more of: Titanium Alloy Technology