Cyclic Oxidation and Degradation of High-Temperature Alloys

Wednesday, May 13, 2015: 8:30 AM
Room 202B (Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center)
Dr. Kuiying Chen , National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Dr. Prakash Patnaik , National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada
A new model was proposed to explain the oxide scale failure in high-temperature alloys. The proposed model was then validated using the existing test data. The degradation and failure mechanisms of protective oxide scales of alloys during cyclic oxidation were identified.  A modified cyclic oxidation model was also presented at the micromechanics scale by combining the well-developed parabolic growth formula of oxide layer and its spallation mechanics. The cyclic oxidation model was applied to alloys where both protective alumina and chromium oxide scales are formed during the heating-and-cooling cycles. The implication of the proposed micromechanics-based model for cyclic oxidation life prediction was discussed.