Microstructure Impact on Ultrasonic Nondestructive Inspection of Ti-6Al-4V Produced using Electron Beam Directed Energy Deposition

Monday, May 23, 2016: 10:30 AM
404 (Meydenbauer Center)
Mr. Bryant Foster , EWI, Columbus, OH
Dr. Shawn M. Kelly , EWI, Columbus, OH
Mr. Roger Spencer , EWI, Columbus, OH
Mr. Hank Phelps , Lockheed-Martin, Marietta, GA
Microstructure and processing are often associated with mechanical performance.  The microstructure can also impact the propagation of sound through a material, which can present challenges to post process inspection.  Electron Beam Direct Energy Deposition (EB-DED) of Ti-6Al-4V under typical processing conditions produces a complex solidification microstructure that can negatively impact the ability to detect defects with ultrasound.  Furthermore, certain heat treatments may exacerbate the inspection challenges by producing a colony alpha microstructure within columnar prior beta grains.  The process-microstructure-sound propagation relationships during EB-DED processing of Ti-6Al-4V will be presented.
See more of: Additive Manufacturing I
See more of: Technical Program