Timetal 407: A new impact resistant titanium alloy

Wednesday, May 25, 2016: 9:30 AM
402 (Meydenbauer Center)
Mr. Steven James , TIMET - Titanium Metals Corporation, Henderson, NV
Mr. Roger Thomas , TIMET R&D, Swansea, United Kingdom
Mr. Paul Garratt , TIMET R&D, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Dr. Yoji Kosaka , TIMET, Henderson, NV
TIMETAL®407 (Ti-407) is a new alpha/beta titanium alloy developed by TIMET’s Henderson Technical laboratory (HTL) in collaboration with TIMET UK. It was designed, primarily, for improved ductility allowing it to excel for components requiring improved manufacturability, including low temperature forming and machinability, as well as applications requiring a high degree of energy absorption.  In many of these applications, it can act as a direct replacement to Ti-6Al-4V or Ti-3Al-2.5V alloy. These stated benefits are achieved through a combination of high ductility and medium strength, i.e. an optimum strength/ductility balance for certain applications. The alloy is currently entering production for a major aerospace component and an evaluation of the material for a number of other applications is in progress. Technical details of Ti-407 properties and processing, as well as a metallurgical background of the alloy design, are to be presented.