Redefining Natural Resources

Monday, May 23, 2016: 3:30 PM
Exhibit Halls A&B (Meydenbauer Center)
Mr. Chris Lewicki , Planetary Resources, NE Redmond, WA
Planetary Resources Inc.’s vision is to establish a new paradigm for resource utilization that will bring the Solar System within humanity’s economic sphere of influence. The company is creating innovative solutions for prospecting and processing of asteroids to fuel human exploration and prosperity.

Planetary Resources is currently focusing on the 13,000 asteroids that are considered ‘near-Earth’. With the assistance of the Arkyd series of spacecraft, the company is working toward gaining access to the abundant amount of resources found on these asteroids, such as water, industrial metals and Platinum Group Metals. By extracting these materials, humanity will be able to fuel rockets & satellites in orbit, provide materials for in-space construction, reduce the cost of electronics and drive innovation here on Earth.

Today, the imaging technology that the Planetary Resources’ team has developed to prospect asteroids is being applied to monitor Earth’s natural resources. Ceres, an advanced Earth observation business, will leverage the Arkyd spacecraft to make regular targeted measurements of thermographic properties and detect the composition of materials on the planet’s surface. While typical satellite imagery provides a limited view of Earth, Ceres will utilize a hyperspectral sensor with multiple color bands in the visible to near-infrared spectrum to provide global monitoring capabilities for industries such as agriculture, oil & gas, and financial services.

See more of: Plenary Session I
See more of: Technical Program