Adapted-Alloyed High-Strength VST2 Alloy: Structure, Properties

Wednesday, April 12, 2017: 2:00 PM
Room 10 (Charleston Area Convention Center)
Dr. Mikhail Leder , VSMPO, Sverdlovsk Region, Russia
Dr. Vladislav Tetyuhin , VSMPO, Sverdlovsk Region, Russia
Mr. A. V. Volkov , VSMPO, Sverdlovsk Region, Russia
Mr. Anatoly Svyazhin , VSMPO, Sverdlovsk Region, Russia
Dmitriy Pastukhov , VSMPO, Sverdlovsk Region, Russia
Mr. Kirill Rusakov , VSMPO, Sverdlovsk Region, Russia
For more than 65 years period of development and use of titanium alloys tested thousands and introduced into industrial use hundreds of songs structural titanium alloys of different classes and different concepts of alloying. The multidimensional field parameters of mechanical properties are mainly filled and achieved. Obviously that is unlikely to create a composition with all complex of mechanical properties at the level of the maximum achievable values. It is also clear that the achievement of a unique combination of mechanical properties in most cases is associated with a sharp rise in the cost of material.

But there remains a lot of opportunities of search of optimum combinations, especially when you consider the economic component of this issue.

Alloy VST2 is the search result of this combination. The main concept of  development was cost reduction through alloying optimization with a significant increase in strength from a baseline of Ti6Al4V at close plastic characteristics.

The alloy steadily implemented the UTS level=1400 MPa at El=8%, and attainable UTS=1600