Novel High-Strength Titanium Alloys for Airframe Applications

Tuesday, May 8, 2018: 8:00 AM
Osceola 5 (Gaylord Palms Resort )
Dr. Matias Garcia-Avila , Allegheny Technologies Incorporated, Monroe, NC
Mr. John V. Mantione , Allegheny Technologies Incorporated (ATI), Monroe, NC
High-strength titanium alloys such as Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al (Ti-10-2-3) are currently used in airframe applications such as landing gear and other high strength components. These alloys exhibit ultimate tensile strengths higher than 170 ksi and fracture toughness higher than 40 ksi in the solution treated and aged condition which make them good candidates for landing gear and airframe structural applications. However, Ti 10-2-3 has manufacturing limitations due to the high Fe content which makes it difficult to melt, and limited thick section hardenability for large parts. ATI is developing next generation Ti alloys with improved mechanical properties, improved manufacturability, and thick section hardenability. In this study, the mechanical and physical properties of a novel high strength Ti alloy will be discussed and compared with Ti 10-2-3 alloy.