Reduction of Environmental Impact in Surface Treatment

Tuesday, May 8, 2018: 8:30 AM
Naples 2 (Gaylord Palms Resort )
Mr. Gunter Connert , Connert Industrial Solutions (CIS), LLC, Clawson, MI
As in other industries, treatment of surfaces before a process step becomes increasingly important. This presentation highlights the importance of surface preparation and cleaning of major aircraft components before processes like NDT, painting/coating, assembly or final inspection. Special attention is being placed on current cleaning methods and the use of solvents like TCE and nPB in regards to quality and environmental/regulatory impact. Alternative cleaning methods in air-tight or airless cleaning systems are being reviewed. This includes a comparison of European and North American trends and top-off cleaners versus regenerative solvents. Focus of the presentation will be on reduction of environmental impact through energy efficiency and emission reduction while maintaining or improving part quality and throughput. Supporting information will be regulatory data and case studies.