Linear Friction Welding of Carbon Fibre Reinforced PEEK composite
Linear Friction Welding, a rapidly developing solid-phase joining process, was used in this programme for the joining of a continuous fibre thermoplastic CFRP known as Carbon/PEEK, to demonstrate process capability.Initial welding trials were carried out on pure PEEK to establish the feasibility of linear friction welding using this matrix material, looking first for a stable plasticisation state. These trials were followed by the manufacture of the Carbon/PEEK laminate and matching tooling design. Last, Carbon/PEEK work-pieces were linear friction welded using parameters drawn from the pure PEEK welding programme.
Adhesive bonding, which requires lengthy and careful special surface preparation, offers carbon/PEEK single lap shear joints that have been tested to approximately 60% of the parent material.
Careful design of the welded Carbon/PEEK coupons allowed joining two workpieces without surface preparation, to achieve a lap shear strength exceeding the target set by adhesives, at of 64% of the parent material.