Improving corrosion erosion resistance through surface treatment Diamalloy 1005 HVOF powder

Wednesday, May 6, 2020: 2:00 PM
Madera (Palm Springs Convention Center)
Mr. Mohamed Attya Shaaban , SADARA Chemicals, Jubail, Saudi Arabia
General Process conditions in the process plant (105ºC with 70% concentration of sulfuric acid).
However, a 99-hr corrosion testing trial in material lab was run at 70ºC in 70 wt.% concentrated sulfuric acid at ambient pressure to understand the differences in the corrosion rates of the two trials (sample no 1 Surface treated at all faces and sample no 2 with only one face surface treated) , Test condition C-5002H2SO4Conc = 70.43 wt%; HNO3, H2SO4coated/non-coated drain pump casing samples alloy 20 substrate ,samples submerged in individual glass bottle with 70 ml of SC-5002 sample and held at 70C for 99 hours .Micro structure of the HVOF layer showed irregular surface finish of substrate in the corner locations, that give attention to remind the service
provider to do proper uniform surface finish to pump casing before HVOF process to ensure quality of HVOF treatment.
Overall conclusion the HVOF coating trial is showing promising results for corrosion cracking resistance depending on quality of HVOF process

the weight loss of the HVOF coated sample having 0.24% wt loss whereas the uncoated samples showed 0.70% wt loss . also checking microstore and metallurgy changes in both samples showed no any initiation of crack in the uncoated sample. the pump already surface treated and it is now in service in site .