Laser welding of titanium alloy and titanium structures

Tuesday, May 5, 2020: 3:30 PM
Madera (Palm Springs Convention Center)
Dr. Richard Freeman , TWI Ltd, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Dr. Chris Allen , TWI Ltd, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Mr. Martin Wood , CAV Advanced Technologies Ltd, Consett, United Kingdom
CAV Advanced Technologies (AT), Leonardo MW and TISICS Titanium Composites have partnered up with researchers at TWI, the MTC, and the NITC at Queen’s University, Belfast, in an Innovate UK project, ‘OLIVER’. The OLIVER project has, through a series of case studies supported by IPG Photonics, helped these aerospace supply chain companies to develop their understanding of how laser welding can fabricate new, lightweight, near-net-shape, titanium alloy and titanium metal matrix composite assemblies. As vital supports to this, digital manufacturing, new fixturing solutions, new in-process NDT techniques and new cost models have also been developed.
See more of: Welding & Joining III
See more of: Technical Program