Electron Beam Welding and post weld heat treatment of Ti-5553 for aerostructure applications

Monday, May 4, 2020: 1:00 PM
Madera (Palm Springs Convention Center)
Dr. Sofia Del Pozo , TWI Ltd, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Mr. Mike Nunn , TWI Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Dr. Tim Mitchell , TWI Ltd, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Safran Landing Systems, UK and TWI are investigating the use of electron beam welding in the assembly of next generation landing gear. The use of this technology brings the opportunity to redesign the structures and components for optimum performance at a system and aircraft level. The work focuses on the methods of manufacture for a titanium alloy Ti-5553. After welding the global furnace heat treatment could be challenging, with distortion concerns and furnace availability issues. Electron beam assisted local post weld heat treatment has been explored and the properties, including residual stresses, quantified.
See more of: Welding & Joining I
See more of: Technical Program