Advanced Flow Characterization & Data Analytics for Aluminum and Titanium Forgings

Monday, May 4, 2020: 11:30 AM
Madera (Palm Springs Convention Center)
Ms. Tiffany Dux , Arconic Engineered Structures, Cleveland, OH
Mr. Dustin Bush , Arconic Engineered Structures, Cleveland, OH
As forging applications continue to become more demanding, advanced analytical methods of designing forgings and related processes require precise methodologies, material constants, and process feedback to meet increasing requirements at lower costs. Continual refinement of material parameters through strategic testing matrices feeds into modeling software – progressing accuracy of forging design and maximizing the utilization of available forging tonnage. Innovations in automation and the development of the manufacturing digital thread provides increasing amounts of process data which when organized effectively can provide additional inputs for modeling improvements. This presentation highlights recent forging applications which have benefited from the advancements in both available modeling and data analytic techniques at Arconic Engineered Structures.
See more of: Light Alloy Technology I
See more of: Technical Program