Prediction of Mechanical Properties based on the Microstructure and Porosity of Additively Manufactured Ti6Al4V via Computationally Efficient Novel Approach

Tuesday, May 5, 2020: 4:30 PM
Pasadena (Palm Springs Convention Center)
Mr. M. Elkhateeb , Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Ms. Shunyu Liu , Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Prof. Yung Shin , Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
The mechanical properties such as elastic modulus and ultimate tensile strength are governed by the constituent microstructure and porosity. Additive manufactured Ti6Al4V alloys exhibit heterogeneous microstructure often with porosity. This talk describes the novel predictive way of determining the resultant mechanical properties in terms of microstructure, phase distributions and porosity. The developed extended mechanics of structural genome is a computationally efficient multiscale modeling method that can account for the effects of all the microstructural details and yet provides computationally efficient solutions such that it can be applied to large domain problems that are typical in industrial applications. The method can predict asymmetry in the Young’s modulus of additively manufactured Ti6Al4V under tensile and compression loading as well as the anisotropy in the mechanical behavior of the same material under tension. In particular, it is also shown how even a small amount of porosity can drastically impact the mechanical properties such as ductility.