High performance Cu-Nb nanocomposites derived by Electro-synthesis

Monday, May 4, 2020: 8:00 AM
Pueblo (Palm Springs Convention Center)
Dr. Hussein Shokrvash , University of Maragheh, Maraghe, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Mr. Mohamad Rahmani , University of Maragheh, Maraghe, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Mr. Amirhussein poureshagh , University of Maragheh, Maraghe, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Mr. Reza Shokrvash , Civil Aviation Technology College Tehran, Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
The electrochemical route performed for the synthesis of metal matrix nanocomposites from oxide precursors. In particular, this procedure was focused on electrolysis deoxidation of copper and nanometric niobium oxide (Nb2O5) blends in the molten salt electrolyte and the interactions led to oxygen-free nanocomposite. This electro-synthesis allowed the production of Cu-Nb bulk nanocomposites with a unique structure and properties. The as-synthesized Cu-Nb compounds characterized by XRD and EDS and the exact elements and structural analyzing of the Cu-Nb nanocomposites by FESEM and AFM revealed homogenize nanostructures with nanocomposite architecture and significant solubility of Nb in Cu and Cu in the Nb lattice. Furthermore, mechanical ultimate strength was estimated ranging 4.42~4.82 GPa by nanoindentation and specific conductivity 6.67*107 ~ 9.9*107 siemens/meter by resistance measurements three-Point method. The electro-synthesis makes a significant contribution to aerospace technology because this method opens opportunities in the design of novel materials.

KEYWORDS: electrolysis deoxidation, oxide precursor, high strength nanocomposite