The Properties of Ni Base alloy Laser Cladding Layer of on Copper plate

Wednesday, May 6, 2020: 2:30 PM
Madera (Palm Springs Convention Center)
Dr. Sun-Hong Park , RIST, Research Institute of Science & Technoloyg, Po-Hang, Korea, Republic of (South)
Laser Cladding is an recently advanced coating technology for improving of surface properties such as wear, corrosion and high temperature resistance. But directly coating on copper is very hard working because of difference of thermal expansion coefficient. So in this article, Ni ion plating buffer layer used for reducing lattice mismatch and thermal expansion coefficient mismatch. The Ni-Cr base laser cladding layer have smooth surface and high quality dense cladding layers. And It have extremely dens, non-crack, low level porosity and high strength metallurgical bonding with copper substrate. According to the conventional mold coating, are made of chromium or nickel ion plating on copper alloys. By choosing optimize coating process and designing material system, good wear and heat resistant.