How Ignoring the Temperature Variable Can Wreak Havoc in Your Automated Adhesive Dispensing System

Mr. Michael R. Bonner , Saint Clair Systems Inc, Washington, MI
More and more, modern products are assembled with adhesives and sealers applied with advanced highly automated dispensing systems. Automating this process eliminates variations caused by operator fatigue, distraction, etc. The repeatability that automation brings is a no-brainer.

That being said, your outcome is determined by the physical properties of the fluid you are dispensing. And though these fluids are well-engineered in the laboratory, even the most carefully crafted formulation and dispensing system can create unacceptable results due to uncontrolled variables in the application process – and one of the most critical is viscosity.

In this presentation we examine how variations in viscosity impact a fluid’s performance in application, its intractable relationship with temperature, and how these factors affect modern automated fluid dispensing systems. From this perspective, we then examine how fundamental control techniques can be applied to achieve consistent and repeatable results.