Low Force Friction Welding Development Update

Tuesday, May 5, 2020: 8:30 AM
Madera (Palm Springs Convention Center)
Mr. Simon Jones , Manufacturing Technology Inc, South Bend, , USA, IN
This presentation summarises recent developments made in Low Force Solid-State Friction Welding technology. As the benefits of Low Force technology over traditional friction processes emerge, this presentation will compare data extracted from the welding of multiple geometries using rotational and linear relative motion.

Over the last twelve months, MTI have performed weld parameter development programs adopting multiple combinations of relative motion, heating methodology, material and geometry including thin wall, thick wall and solid sections. This presentation will also review a dedicated program with the objective of producing internally flashless solid-state welded tube.

Ongoing and future research programs to extend the application of the Low Force friction process to the joining of advanced metal matrix composites will also be discussed.

See more of: Welding & Joining II
See more of: Technical Program