Tailoring Strength and Toughness of a New ATI Titanium Alloy

Tuesday, May 5, 2020: 2:30 PM
Pueblo (Palm Springs Convention Center)
Dr. David Brice , ATI, Monroe, NC
Dr. Matias Garcia-Avila , ATI, Monroe, NC
Mr. John V. Mantione , ATI, Monroe, NC
Dr. John Foltz , ATI, Monroe, NC
High-strength titanium alloys such as Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al (Ti-10-2-3) and Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-3Cr (Ti-5553) are currently used in critical airframe applications such as landing gear, wing box structural members and engine nacelles. In a solution treated and aged condition, these alloys exhibit tensile strength above 180 ksi, and with limited fracture toughness below 55 ksi-in^0.5, which limits their specific strength advantage in damage tolerant applications. Conversely, in the beta annealed condition, these alloys exhibit significantly higher fracture toughness with lower tensile strength. Experiments conducted at ATI Specialty Materials R&D have identified a combination of alloy composition and processing parameters resulting in a new titanium alloy with an improved combined strength and toughness capability. This presentation will focus on the effects of hot working parameters on the strength, ductility and damage tolerance of a new metastable beta titanium alloy: ATI Titan 23™.