An overview of aluminum alloys for laser powder bed additive manufacturing

Tuesday, May 5, 2020: 1:00 PM
Catalina (Palm Springs Convention Center)
Prof. Rajiv S. Mishra , University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Among the fusion AM technologies, laser based powder bed technologies (LBPBT) have emerged as leading choice for complex components. The opportunities of significant weight saving through design can be coupled with choice or lightweight aluminum alloys. Significant literature is available on modified and new aluminum alloys for LBPBT. In this short overview, the existing data is analyzed to provide guidance on strategy for new alloy development specifically for LBPBT. The microstructural evolution during solidification is linked with the alloy chemistry for LBPB AM of aluminum alloys. It is critical to link the probabilistic nature of the process with microstructural distribution that result in property variation. In this presentation, printability and mechanical behavior of aluminum alloys designed for LBPBT will be reviewed. New aluminum alloys provide opportunities for high structural efficiency in as printed parts.