“Ultra-Thin-Ply” for Precision, Lightweight and Affordable Composites

Monday, May 4, 2020: 10:30 AM
Pueblo (Palm Springs Convention Center)
Mr. Richard Lin , ALLINS USA Inc, Torrance, CA
The objective of this paper is to summarize results of many years of high quality lightweight materials and process technology development by ALLINS and partners.

The superior laminated property performance of thin-ply composites technology has been documented in the literature. These developments however have focused almost exclusively on aerospace or specialty applications, because of high cost of thin-ply materials technology currently being offered. Seven classes of “Ultra-Thin-Ply” prepreg materials will be described, ranging from fiber prepregs, lamination, to specialty hybridized systems.

The technology described in this paper consistently mass produces high quality “Ultra-Thin-Ply” prepreg tapes 150 mm (6”) wide and above. Subsequent unique processing of prepreg into customized composite laminates, by both manual and automated processes will be described. Near zero void and porosity content will be documented, as well as supportive data sets that can be used for next generation composites.

“Ultra-Thin-Ply” prepreg configuration advantages are extended for processing into thermoplastic prepregs. SEM images will illustrate superior wetting of fibers by thermoset and thermoplastic matrix materials.

Most importantly, affordability will be highlighted to show “Ultra-Thin-Ply” technology has applications potential including aerospace, automotive, construction/building, renewable energy, marine, sports/entertainment, etc., where conventional materials such as metals, plastics, and wood still dominate.

Finally, a hybrid, “Ultra-Thin-Ply” metal and carbon laminate system with surprising and unprecedented wear and machining properties will be presented.