A new look at metallic solutions for the fuselages of the future

Monday, May 4, 2020: 10:30 AM
Madera (Palm Springs Convention Center)
Mr. Philippe Meyer , Aleris Rolled Products Germany GmbH, Koblenz, Germany
Dr. S. Moldenhauer , Aleris Rolled Products Germany GmbH, Koblenz, Germany
Dr. Sabine Spangel , Aleris Rolled Products Germany GmbH, Koblenz, Germany
Florian Landgraf , Aleris Rolled Products Germany GmbH, Koblenz, Germany
Dr. Achim Buerger , Aleris Rolled Products Germany GmbH, Koblenz, Germany
Lisa Dressel , Aleris Rolled Products Germany GmbH, Koblenz, Germany
Oliver Freudenberg , Aleris Rolled Products Germany GmbH, Koblenz, Germany
Dr. Matthias Miermeister , Aleris Rolled Products Germany GmbH, Koblenz, Germany
Sasi Chinnasamy , Aleris Rolled Products Germany GmbH, Koblenz, Germany
A holistic approach makes metallic structures a cost effective, performing and robust option for fuselage applications. A range of alloys, combined with innovative manufacturing and joining technologies open a wide spectrum of possibilities. Ongoing surface quality improvements support the implementation of adhesive bonding and environmental friendly coating. The ability of Aluminum to be indefinitely recycled without loss of performance adds another interest to metallic solutions at a moment where sustainability becomes of utmost importance.
See more of: Light Alloy Technology I
See more of: Technical Program