Modeling & Simulation of Manufacturing Processes

Tuesday, May 5, 2020: 1:00 PM-5:30 PM
Sierra (Palm Springs Convention Center)
1:00 PM
A New Approach to Study Vapor Transport in Liquid Quenching Process and Its Application to Investigate the Gear Distortion in Cluster Quenching Environment
Dr. James Jan, FORD Motor Company; Dr. Zhichao (Charlie) Li, DANTE Solutions, Inc.; Dr. Juhchin Yang, National Chung Cheng University
1:30 PM
Automated Copper Alloy Grain Size Evaluation using a Deep-Learning Convolutional Neural Network
Dr. Paul Guerrier, Moog Inc; Mr. Jason Jones, Moog Inc; Mr. George Baggs, Moog Inc; Dr. Andrew Loeb, Moog Inc
2:00 PM
Autonomous Engineering to Streamline Aerospace Castings Manufacturing Process
Mr. Matheus Miragaia de Oliveira, Bachelor Material Science & Engineering, MAGMA Foundry Technologies Inc.; Erika Lawhon-Wyatt, Denison Industries; Jessica DeMatteis, Denison Industries
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
Numerical Analysis of the Percussive Riveting Process
Mr. Sai Krovvidi, University of Washington, Seattle; Prof. Ramulu Mamidala, University of Washington, Seattle; Prof. Per Reinhall, University of Washington, Seattle
4:30 PM
Simulation of Meltpool Dynamics and Prediction of Component Properties in Electron-Beam Melting of Ti-6Al-4V
Mr. Mark Hedreen, University of Washington; Mr. Eric Bol, University of Washington; Mr. Curtis Doyle, University of Washington; Prof. Ramulu Mamidala, University of Washington
5:00 PM
Taking electroplating processes to the next level via Computer Aided Engineering approach
Dr. Aga Franczak, Elsyca; Dr. Bart Van den Bossche, Elsyca; Mr. Paulo Vieira, Elsyca
See more of: Technical Program