Additive Manufacturing V-a

Wednesday, May 6, 2020: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Catalina (Palm Springs Convention Center)
Dr. Richard Freeman, TWI Ltd
8:30 AM
Facility qualification and part certification - lessons from aerospace and other sectors
Prof. Robert Scudamore, TWI Technology Centre (Yorkshire)
9:00 AM
The Use of Thermomechanical Simulation in Additive Manufacturing
Dr. Fulvio Siciliano, Senior Applications Consultant, Dynamic Systems Inc.
9:30 AM
Post-processing surface treatments in the age of 3D printing: electropolishing know-how
Dr. Aga Franczak, Elsyca; Dr. Bart Van den Bossche, Elsyca; Mr. Paulo Vieira, Elsyca
See more of: Technical Program