Joining and surfacing technologies for lightweight materials
This presentation will comprise an overview of some state of the art, and developing technologies, that are particularly suited to manufacturing with lightweight materials. It will give some examples of how weight reduction, and other desirable material characteristics, can be achieved through enhanced surface functionality and / or durability. In this respect we shall also consider some potential solutions to challenges, presented when using combinations of dissimilar materials in fabricated structures.
There will be reference to non-metallic materials which are increasingly complementing metals in Aerospace and Automotive. Both sectors have significant synergies in emerging and disruptive technology, not least in advanced propulsion systems, such as electrification and Hydrogen and associated structural health monitoring. Comment will be offered regarding the perceived material trends in these sectors, and how such trends are likely to impact the investment strategies for producers and end users of materials globally.
Finally, there will be some thought given to mechanisms for supply chain development and ideas on how vital SME communities may access and implement new technologies in an efficient and cost effective manner.