Vertical Vacuum Heat Treatment of Metals

Wednesday, March 15, 2023: 9:30 AM
204B (Fort Worth Convention Center)
Ms. Zoe Rex , Rex Heat Treat, Lansdale, PA
Vertical heat treatment has advanced over the years for many reasons. A few examples of the need for vertical heat treatment are using gravity to combat distortion, maintaining the length of parts, and producing a more uniformly quenched surface.

Vacuum heat treatment has similarly influential benefits to the heat-treating world. Clean parts, no surface contamination, more dimensional stability during quenching, and even the improvement of metal properties are examples.

The most widely used quenchant in Vacuum heat treating is gas. For Aerospace alloys requiring oil quenching, a Vacuum furnace offers significant advantages, like eliminating the risk of carburization and decarburization. Most Vacuum oil quenching furnaces are small, batch furnaces. Advancements in metal forming and machining enable Aerospace manufacturers to make large and complex parts, many of which benefit from a vertical Vacuum heat treatment process capable of both oil and gas quenching.