20 Bar Quenching- Changing The Material World
20 Bar Quenching- Changing The Material World
Tuesday, September 17, 2013: 9:30 AM
142 (Indiana Convention Center)
The revoluntionary designed 20 Bar Solar Super Quench furnace has been in production mode for several months.The acceleraed cooling rates that have been produced within this single chamber unit have been unsurpassed when compared to similar equipment to date. These cooling rates continue to provide the metallurgist new ways of producing fully matensitic structures while minimizing distortion in near net parts. This paper will identify new materials never before processed utilizing gas quenchants. Discussion will ensue on how production load sizes can be increased while utilizing these enhanced cooling parameters. All gas cooling data that will be presented will be exclusively related to high pressure Nitrogen. Due to a lack of availability and affordability high pressure Helium will not be discussed.