“Materials Selection For Induction Hardening Processes”

Monday, September 16, 2013: 8:00 AM
140 (Indiana Convention Center)
Mr. Fred Specht , Ajax TOCCO Magnethermic, Warren, OH
“Materials Selection for Induction Hardening Processes” Material selection plays an essential role in the performance of induction hardened work pieces such as shafts, axles, pins, gears. Selection of the material from a raw material purchase cost, machining, grinding, drilling, etc all affect the cost of a work piece. Any prior heat treat and the ability to be induction hardened are some of the factors design engineers need to take into consideration when selecting the material. Other key design considerations require an analysis of the type of applied load, whether gradual or instantaneous and the desired mechanical properties, such as bending fatigue strength or wear resistance all of which will define core strength and heat treating requirements. This process all starts with the material selection. The paper will describe the various acceptable materials use in the induction hardening process and when and why each is ultimately selected for different applications.
See more of: Induction - Session I
See more of: Induction Heating