Novel Method Of Removal and Tightening Of Nuts and Bolts
Novel Method Of Removal and Tightening Of Nuts and Bolts
Monday, September 16, 2013: 11:30 AM
141 (Indiana Convention Center)
Standard industry practice for removal or tightening of large bolts typically involves hydraulic bolt tensioners or resistance heaters. These machines are large, typically require moving with a forklift, often require electricians to setup 3-phase power in advance of the job, and have a large footprint on the shop floor. In the case of hydraulic bolt tensioners, damage can be caused to nuts and bolts.
This paper describes an advance in bolt removal and tightening that uses a patented resistance heating system. The system is light enough to be moved by hand into the work location, and it only requires power that is often available at the work location. It is capable of heating up to 6 bolts at one time, and provides a significant reduction in the time required for the job.