Web Based Wireless HEAT Treating Services
Web Based Wireless HEAT Treating Services
Wednesday, September 18, 2013: 12:00 PM
141 (Indiana Convention Center)
Heat treating is typically done on-site with technicians monitoring the heating and cooling process to ensure quality. Thermal Technologies International does this using our proprietary power supplies, along with standard heating coils and thermal blankets. This process has remained unchanged, but now technology is changing the way this is done.
This paper describes retrofitting of power supplies with wireless transmitters, and a Web based interface that allows relevant parameters to be graphically displayed, and accessed by any device with internet access. With this system, our clients can have up to-date data for all their projects at one location within the plant, and it also provides higher accuracy, a more easily programmed interface and better monitoring. This technology reduces cost and improves safety by limiting the amount of manpower needed to monitor the machines. One technician can monitor multiple units from one location, which can be set outside of the operating units.