Bright Tempering: Achieving High Quality Appearance During Tempering

Monday, September 16, 2013: 2:00 PM
142 (Indiana Convention Center)
Mr. Aymeric Goldsteinas , Ipsen, Inc., Cherry Valley, IL
Mr. Craig Moller , Ipsen, Inc., Cherry Valley, IL
Cleanliness and efficiency are of the utmost importance when tempering. So what can be done to prevent discoloration? Through customer collaboration, we have evaluated tempering concerns and gathered data resulting in innovative software and equipment improvements that expand industry capabilities.

This paper analyzes what matters most when putting materials through the tempering process. Authors describe how to reduce cycle time while increasing uniformity through the use of both vacuum and convection heating. This paper will also present data collected from tests run on the bright tempering of sensitive alloys such as PH 17-4 (X5CrNiCuNb 16-4), Inconel 718 and 420 stainless steel (X42Cr13) that yielded bright, clean and uniform parts.