Control Systems for Induction Heat Treating, the Obsolete and Newest Designs

Monday, September 16, 2013: 1:00 PM
140 (Indiana Convention Center)
Mr. Fred Specht , Ajax TOCCO Magnethermic, Warren, OH
Control Systems for Induction Heat Treating, the Obsolete and Newest Designs Induction heat treating system controls can be a simple as a timer and push button or as complex as a computer, color touch screen monitor combined with a PLC. Discussions will include changes and available upgrades for aged systems. Older systems become more of a challenge to maintain and finding working replacement parts difficult. What to do when PLC, monitor, or keypads that are obsolete fail and production comes to a halt. What remedies are available in replacements and upgrades and what the latest new trends in controls and software will be covered.
See more of: Induction - Session III
See more of: Induction Heating