"In Situ Oxidation of Steels as an Effective and Economical Pretreatment for Uniform and Consistent Vacuum Gas Nitriding Results"

Tuesday, September 17, 2013: 11:00 AM
142 (Indiana Convention Center)
Mr. Trevor Jones , Solar Atmospheres Inc., Souderton, PA
A vacuum purge gas nitriding furnace was modified to develop a process and furnace enhancement to produce a controlled in situ oxide layer on the surfaces of steel parts using various oxidation techniques.  The process is an effective alternative to conventional grit blasting of materials as a means of surface preparation for uniform and consistent nitriding results.  Pre-oxidation is known to enhance receptivity of steel part surfaces to the effects of nitriding, and in situ oxidation is inherently efficient and economical.  Topics discussed include the type of oxidizing carrier media to the materials being processed in the furnace, practical methods used to control the oxidation, and a gas delivery system developed to inject gases with an elevated dew point for the purpose of providing a controlled oxidizing atmosphere.  Comparative tests with other activation techniques, and results with no activation, will be discussed along with resolutions to technical process difficulties encountered.