Numerical Simulation Advances in Gear Manufacturing Processes

Tuesday, September 17, 2013: 3:15 PM
140 (Indiana Convention Center)
Mr. James B Miller , Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation, Columbus, OH
Mr. John Walters , Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation, Columbus, OH
Mr. Ravi Shankar , Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation, Columbus, OH
Gear manufacturers are increasingly turning toward advanced numerical simulation methods to understand gear manufacturing processes.  These manufacturers are successfully utilizing simulation in the development and optimization of gear forming and heat treatment processes.  Simulation methods are evolving as stand-alone analyses of unit processes are giving way to integrated analyses of sequential processes.  Simulated process sequences may involve processes such as heating, ring rolling, cold forming, forging, quenching, tempering and carburization.  Gear manufacturers are studying the relationships between these processes, with software such as DEFORM™, to more accurately predict final dimensions, surface hardness, microstructure evolution, residual stresses and distortion.  Studies are allowing manufacturers to increase gear performance, improve final quality, optimize material use and reduce cycle times.  The paper will present important numerical simulation developments, technology advancements and future trends in the field of gear manufacturing.
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