Sensor Technology and Best Practices For Atmosphere Control and Troubleshooting

Monday, September 16, 2013: 8:30 AM
141 (Indiana Convention Center)
Mr. Damian Bratcher , Super Systems Inc., Cincinnati, OH
This session will cover the basic principles of sensor technology used in various atmosphere heat treating applications.  Nitriding, carburizing and neutral atmospheres will be covered.  The audience will learn about the technology used to measure these atmospheres and control technology to ensure a repeatable process.  We will share real world scenarios with data and troubleshooting techniques to ensure a quality driven production environment.  Details on zirconia probe, non-dispersive infrared analysis (NDIR), hydrogen and dew point sensor technologies will be discussed.  If you ever struggled with trying to maintain a consistent atmosphere, learn what the experts and your fellow heat treaters are doing to consistently control their processes.