Technology to Connect and Enhancements to Improve

Monday, September 16, 2013: 9:00 AM
141 (Indiana Convention Center)
Mr. Rick Jarrell , Invensys Eurotherm, Ashburn, VA
Mr. Chris Mooney , Invensys Eurotherm, Ashburn, VA
Modern technological advancements are making it easier than ever to interconnect and improve your processes. Industrial technologies are advancing rapidly alongside commercial electronic innovations often eliminating the complicated or expensive solutions. In years past, there was a certain inherent difficulty associated with upgrading from older existing controls to new modern process controls due to the level of complexity involved. Today, most equipment manufacturers are integrating a variety of communications options and remote monitoring capabilities. This presentation looks at emerging technology in sensors, communications and monitoring solutions and describes some easy and inexpensive ways to connect to your entire process and improve your quality.