Predicting Effects of Induction Hardening On Performance of Semi-Float Truck Axle

Monday, September 16, 2013: 2:00 PM
140 (Indiana Convention Center)
Dr. Zhichao Li , Deformation Control Technology, Inc., Cleveland, OH
John Jackowski , Fluxtrol Incorporated, Auburn Hills, MI
Dr. B. Lynn Ferguson , Deformation Control Technology, Inc., Cleveland, OH
Dr. Valentin Nemkov , Fluxtrol Incorporated, Auburn Hills, MI
Mr. Robert C. Goldstein , Fluxtrol Incorporated, Auburn Hills, MI
Mr. Gregory A. Fett , Dana Corporation Automotive Systems Group, Maumee, OH
This is a continuation of work presented at HES 13 in Padua, Italy. Computer simulation is used to predict the final stresses and distortions in a semi-float truck axle that has been induction scan hardened. There is a complex stress evolution that occurs throughout the process which is difficult to predict. Multiple simulation programs are used to consider the coupling of the multiple phenomena involved: electromagnetic, thermal, metallurgical, stress and shape change.

Methods of accurately modeling the various regions of the axle are discussed. Three main regions are focused on: the flange and fillet area, the shaft, and the spline. These studies enhanced our capabilities to predict the actual part performance from the induction hardening process. The final goal of this work is to be able to predict service properties and define ways for treatment optimization. Component test data from Dana Corporation is referenced in this study.

See more of: Induction - Session III
See more of: Induction Heating