Vacuum and Atmosphere Heat Treating Overview

Tuesday, September 17, 2013: 10:30 AM
142 (Indiana Convention Center)
Mr. Josh McCaughey , C.I. Hayes, A Gasbarre Furnace Group, Cranston, MN
Mr. John Becker , J.L. Becker, A Gasbarre Furnace Group, Plymouth, MN
Mr. Matt Marzullo , C.I. Hayes, A Gasbarre Furnace Group, Cranston, MN
This paper and presentation will provide an overview of the processing implications of select atmosphere and vacuum heat treating processes.  Fundamentals of both vacuum and atmosphere processing will be compared and contrasted with a survey of current practices for each.

Processes to be reviewed include Tempering, Annealing, Brazing, Quench Hardening, Aging, and Carburization.