Integrating M2M Services for Data Base Capture and Modeling into Your Process
Integrating M2M Services for Data Base Capture and Modeling into Your Process
Monday, June 16, 2014: 2:30 PM
Sun 6 (Gaylord Palms Resort )
Integrating M2M Services for Data Base Capture and Modeling Into Your Process
Machine-to-Machine system platforms are the fastest growing segment in the remote services industry. Commonly referred as “the internet of things”. This technology segment focus is on machines communicating with each other to create efficient and innovative Database Modeling benefits. In this segment learn about integrating Machine-to-Machine platforms with your process and the analytical benefits it can create. Some themes will be:
• What Machine-to-Machine services offer for Database Capture?
• How to integrate these systems successfully
• How to leverage these systems to capture Database Information for Modeling and
Decision Analysis