Parameters Effecting Submerged Plumes in Quench Systems

Wednesday, June 18, 2014: 9:00 AM
Sun 5 (Gaylord Palms Resort )
Mr. Andrew L. Banka , Airflow Sciences Corporation, Livonia, MI
Dr. D. Scott MacKenzie , Houghton International, Valley Forge, PA
The use of submerged nozzles to provide agitation is commonplace in the design of quench tanks. The details of submerged nozzle agitation designs can vary considerably, however, and the effectiveness of any given design is not known. The purpose of this investigation is to use Computation Fluid Dynamics to understand the effects of several key parameters, including header design, nozzle design, and velocity on the apparent flow field in a quench system. A limited number of those parameters will be investigated, and the resultant flow fields will be presented.
See more of: Quenching I
See more of: Technical Program