Keynote Session

Tuesday, June 17, 2014: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Florida Hall A (Gaylord Palms Resort )
Session Chair:
Dr. B. Lynn Ferguson
1:00 PM
Simulation of Defect Formation in Castings
Prof. Christoph Beckermann, University of Iowa
1:40 PM
Heat Treatment Distortions and Residual Stresses Simulations: Influence of Heat Transfer and Phase Transformations
Dr. Sabine Denis, Institut Jean lamour, UMR 7198 CNRS-Université de Lorraine; Mr. Sylvain Devynck, Vallourec Research Aulnoye; Prof. Jean Pierre Bellot, Institut Jean lamour, UMR 7198 CNRS-Université de Lorraine; Prof. Michel Gradeck, LEMTA UMR 7563 CNRS-Université de Lorraine; Mr. Thierry Benard, Vallourec Research Aulnoye
2:20 PM
See more of: Technical Program