Sustainable Energy Efficiency in Industry

Tuesday, October 20, 2015: 8:00 AM
250B (COBO Center)
Mr. Michael Stowe , Advanced Energy, Raleigh, NC

This presentation is about finding and sustaining energy efficiency in manufacturing plants, focusing on Heat Treatment operations, and will include the following topics:

1)      Basics of sustainable energy efficiency with definitions and clear basic examples

2)     Energy Intensity:  More product per unit of energy input

3)     Typical energy consumption for various industries with a focus on heat treating

4)     Finding energy savings across the entire manufacturing plant

  1. Prospecting and Treasure Hunts
  2. Transformation Processes
  3. Support System Energy Opportunities (air, water, HVAC, etc.)

5)     How can your local utilities can help you:  Programs and Incentives

  1. Operational Cost Models
  2. Electrical Infrastructure
  3. Demand Side Management
  4. Utility Incentives

6)     Other available programs and resources for energy savings

7)     Examples and case studies