10 New Trends in Global Heat Treatment and How It Will Influence The Heat Treatment Industry

Tuesday, October 20, 2015: 10:50 AM
250B (COBO Center)
Mr. Janusz Kowalewski , Global Heat Treating Network, Member, Tampa, FL
The driving forces behind developing new heat treatment technologies are reducing process time, minimizing its environmental footprint, distortion, lowering material and furnace operations cost. The low temperature surface modification processes, will gain higher market shares. Nano-Carburizing, Nitriding, Nitrocarburizing , Sulfonitriding, and Boronization for tooling parts have high growth potentials within the next decade. Vacuum technologies will gain market shares in the heat treatment expecially PVC and CVD. Processes with low COx / NOx emission will replace the higher and more polluted processes. Heat treatment processes will combine two or more processes into One Hybrid process such as debbinging sintering, carburzing and hardening. Next, we will observe universal acceptance of heat treatment standards for general heat treatment. The furnace control system will include real-time process sensors. Source of energy such as infread heating and micro generated heat will be implemented.