Next gen technology: Wearables and Predictive Maintenance in Heat Treatment

Tuesday, October 20, 2015: 2:00 PM
251B (COBO Center)
Mr. Peter Sherwin , Eurotherm by Schneider Electric, Ashburn, VA
Watches, Eyewear and other wearable technology have all recently experienced explosive growth in the consumer marketplace. Based on this dramatic success, this technology is now starting to diffuse into industrial applications. The first part of this presentation explores the advantages of wearable technology for use in the Heat Treatment Industry.

The second part of the presentation explores next gen technology used in Maintenance activities. It is extremely important to maximize the return from Furnaces and run equipment at the highest possible utilization levels. Best-practice Maintenance activities are key in order to avoid expensive downtime periods. Transitioning from reactive methods of maintenance to preventive and now predictive maintenance techniques can dramatically improve the availability of key equipment as well as reducing overall maintenance costs.

See more of: Applied Technology II
See more of: Technical Program