Specifying Nitriding Process Specification

Tuesday, October 20, 2015: 2:20 PM
251B (COBO Center)
Mr. Madhu Chatterjee , General Motors, Pontiac, MI
Roxana Ruxanda , Emerson Climate Technologies, Sidney, OH
Discovering microstructural features of white layer in a nitrided part has appealed to many scientists and researchers. A slight change in microscopic properties can bring a huge difference in their macro-scale behavior. A thorough knowledge of compound and diffusion compounds will enable materials scientists to monitor the grain size, the phases within the material, which alter the macro-scale toughness and strength and the amount of porosity.

Unlike carburizing which is a more matured technology, nitriding specifications are genetically stated with a required surface hardness and hardness at depths. No constituents or type and percent of compounds are mentioned.

This paper shows measurement methods used to identify different constituents of both the compound and the diffusion layers of a nitrided part. Once we fully comprehend and identify the constituents, we would be able to specify process requirements.

Three different materials have been evaluated for this study.

See more of: Applied Technology II
See more of: Technical Program