Hydroprime® modular plants provide low cost, reliable hydrogen for heat treating

Thursday, October 22, 2015: 9:20 AM
251A (COBO Center)
Mr. Goutam H. Shahani , Linde Engineering North America, Blue Bell, PA
Mr. Kyle Finley , Hydro-Chem, Canton, PA
Mr. Nick Onelli , Linde Gas North America, New Providence, NJ
Gas mixtures containing hydrogen are used as a protective atmosphere in many heat treating processes including annealing, brazing and sintering. Hydrogen  in conjunction with nitrogen or argon , carbon monoxide, methane provides protective and oxide reducing properties of furnace atmosphere to enhance the physical and chemical properties of heat treated metal products.  This paper provides an overview of a unique steam methane reformer, employing an integrated heat recovery system, which reduces the cost and improves the reliability of hydrogen supply.  This modular plant can produce 0.15 – 0.3 MMSCFD of 99.999 % hydrogen at 200 psig.  This system offers a flexible hydrogen supply solution to heat  treating market, which has demonstrated excellent results in actual commercial operation worldwide.
See more of: Applied Technology IV
See more of: Technical Program