Design and Validation of Induction Heat Treatment Processes Utilizing 2D & 3D Computer Simulation

Tuesday, October 20, 2015: 10:50 AM
251A (COBO Center)
Mr. Collin A Russell , Inductoheat Inc., Madison Heights, MI
This presentation will address practical aspects of developing induction heat treatment processes for various applications, including but not limited to:  hardening, tempering, normalizing, stress-relieving, and shrink-fitting.  A number of case studies will be discussed in order to illustrate methods of improving inductor and process design and overall heat treatment results.  Many unique solutions to everyday challenges encountered by heat treatment practitioners will be presented, focusing particularly on increasing inductor longevity and process robustness while assuring product quality.  The value of utilizing computer simulation (both proprietary and commercially-developed programs) will be demonstrated in these real-world solutions through the revelation of subtle facets of induction heat treatment that cannot be otherwise physically observed or measured.